Monday, July 16, 2012

Prometheus? You Fail.

I had the opportunity to see Prometheus on Canada Day.  I took it, not knowing what I was in for.  At first, it struck me as a clever way of avoiding having to stuff myself onto an eastbound streetcar Ashbury's Bay-bound (now that Ontario Place's demise has ended the west end's pretty lights).  

Though lacking in patriotic spirit, the film enabled me to contemplate my general humanity.  Yay?  That is the only really good thing I can say about this shaky attempt of Ridley Scott's at sci-fi immortality.  Summer blockbuster?  Maybe.  But only thanks to its aggressive marketing campaign and being a strong temptation for fans of the Alien series.  It can't have acquired more ticket sales based on word of mouth, that's for sure!

Surprisingly, the best part of had to be the robot Fassbender.  He is the only character that held my attention from start to finish, and though a robot, through some arguably misplaced sensibility on the part of the writers, Fassbender's character had the strongest arc of the ensemble cast.  I'll skip the gritty details because this is not a film blog, but watch the movie on video and see if you agree.  Anyway, only one short week into its run and the film is already falling into the abyss of who-the-fuck-cares, so I will stop talking about it.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Soul Train

Canada Day

Pride Day

I just found this video, it is very watchable:

I think it captures the dual essence of the day.  Though for me, it's still quiet as ever.  Taking a break at the frame shop, listening to People Under the Stairs and Emilie Simon and eating physalis berries and chevre on baguette.  Life could be worse.  I think physalis are so, so beautiful.  I've decided to start a series of them in painting and see where it goes, I miss painting.  

The toffee marigold yellow of the physalis fruit is not unlike the popular hues of the 70s, like the awesome fashions of the Soul Train dancers.