Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm Metropolis Living

I visited the store on my way home last week and found a lovely little book (daily Q&A) for a gift (the bangle and feather barrette are from The Public Butter on Queen W).

I was curious to see the actual shop because their booth at the Interior Design Show this year was, in my estimation,  the most unique.  It is a sparse shop with a museum feel, every product curated into an exact positioning right down to the angle of each book.  I almost felt bad taking the Q&A journal.

I like the quirky, Industrial Revolution-era ambience, but the objects (even white ceramic ones) feel heavy.  Perhaps once taken out of the space, each item could stand alone as an eclectic addition to a room.

I can't wait to see their new humongous space opening in a few short months.

Evgenia in front of the IDS12 booth.  I fell in love with that refurbished drafting table to the left!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

The After

I never added the end result of the chair restoration from a couple weeks ago.. You know, I just discovered today that Mondrian, whom this chair style is inspired by, painted all his furniture and his interiors white!

Friday, February 17, 2012

teb interiors

Terry came in to speak to my class last term and I really appreciated his friendly, forward way of speaking.  I visited his shop, located inside Design Republic at Bathurst and Queen, soon after his presentation.  Candice Olson had just finished filming with him and he was exhausted, but he still took ten minutes to sit (on his upholstered furniture) and chat with me.  

His stuff is a little risqué, but I like the no holds barred approach!  I hope that one day I can produce something that represents my personality and world as eloquently as the items created by teb interiors.

Terry Edward Briceland and his partner Matthew Adams

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jamie Drake's America - Glamorous and Prospering

And elegant.

I have been perusing "New American Glamour," Drake's magnificent portfolio of a book all month, and have grown extremely fond of his exuberant space styling.  Always coupled with the real needs of the clients and of human comfort, just like America, the renowned designer brings a personal touch to each room.  Large in scale and largess, but without the snobbery.

Seriously, a Chippendale on a landing?  Wow.

I like Drake's summary of his style as the 'tripping the light fantastic' of Fred and Ginger.  I think it captures the feeling of his body of work just so.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I've been on a health kick this last year

but I still hate buying salads when I go out.  This could be part of the problem:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm told that tango pepper passion (etc) red is "in" this season, or the new "it" colour

Here is a beautiful example from the 30s.  I am becoming interested in old set design and the accompanying visuals.
Christian Bérard, set for Margot, 1935
Margot’s Room at the Louvre, Act II, Scene 1
Gouache on paper

Chair Inspiration - a peek at a restoration project from Humber just completed

Perhaps I'll even add The After for the chair in a few days.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Neat Sistine Chapel site

Go to:

I have been to the Sistine Chapel, but I didn't spend as much time in the room as I should have.  I loved the line to get in.  You snaked through the halls of the Vatican, getting time to look at all the marvelous art on the walls.  Gorgeous.

The Projection Room - a strange new addition to the second run movie houses in the city

still in need of repairs and no skimping on the butter for the popcorn
this is the place across from Gerrard Square that used to only play Bollywood movies

Ahhh, Gerrard Square in all its glory.